This is a crunch time for an important campaign in Bath. It's about
supporting residents in the front line defending public transport here. If
the abysmal 40 minute frequency is allowed to stand in densely populated
Larkhall/Fairfield Park/Camden, no bus route is safe. Without an adequate
bus service, local economy will suffer, as well as elderly, young and
disabled people, and others who do not drive, but are unable to walk or
cycle. So it is also about people power, democracy, in the face of
commercial and political intransigence.
Residents in north east Bath in the Save Our 6-7 Buses campaign are calling
for action over cuts in their bus service after waiting 6 months through
repeated delays by First Group and B&NES Council. They are urging others to
join them in a peaceful, half-hour protest demonstration at Bath Bus Station
on Sat Dec 4th at 10:30am.
I know it is a busy time. Even if you can't yourself go, please can you
spread this to all in your Bath network, tell all your friends, and try to
be there if you can!