Saturday, January 28, 2006

Lambridge Park and Ride

You may have already heard that the flood compensation works at Mill Lane were turn down by the Council’s Development Control Committee. This means that the Park and Ride at Lambridge can not go ahead. The Park and Ride at Lambridge would be a waste of valuable resources as it is simply too close to the City Centre, too small and would probably be full by 10am. It was noted that the traffic on the London Road would not decrease, but that any spare capacity would have been taken up by suppressed demand.

Cllr David Dixon said, “No one denies that there is not a need for a Park and Ride to the East of Bath, however £6.5million for a scheme which would do nothing to improve the London Road Area, to me does not represent value for money. Once the Car Park is full there will be serious overspill of parking into surrounding streets, would actually worsen the parking situation and increase rat running along through Fairfield Park and along Camden. The Park and Ride really needs to be further out from the City and not in the already congested zone.”