Saturday, January 28, 2006

Proposed Parking Restrictions

There are proposals to introduce parking restrictions on Pera Road, Thomas Street, Snow Hill and Arundel Road.The restrictions on Snow Hill were extensively consulted on and drawn up in cooperation with Somer Housing last year. This includes the introduction of a Crossing Point on Snow Hill and hopefully the restrictions will help to slow down traffic flows and make life safer for residents crossing the estate.

We are very keen to receive comments from nearby residents on the rest of the proposals and I am able to send copies of these to any interested residents by email or by post. I would encourage all residents whether in favour for the proposals or not to comment. The quickest way for this is to send an email to (I would be grateful if you would copy us in… ).

As you nay know the Planning, Transportation, Economy and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel, Chaired by Cllr David Dixon has highlighted some gaps in the way the Council consults on Traffic Regulation Orders and that the role of Ward members is particularly important in advising residents of changes to their local area and feedback from effected residents is equally important.