Friday, January 26, 2007

The Future of our Rubbish?

The latest ‘Rubbish or Resource?’ consultation starts on Thursday, 25 January and continues until Friday, 23 March 2007.

This is your opportunity to have your say about how we should deal with residual waste in the West of England.Residual waste is all the rubbish which is left over after we have recycled and composted all we can. Landfill sites are rapidly running out of space and should only be used as a last resort. There are seven viable options which are alternatives to landfill. Which would you favour? And…where should it/they be located?

Local Councillor Colin Darracott, (Lib Dem, Walcot) said, "The Liberal Democrat Group on the Council is absolutely committed to recycling and reducing rubbish and we have set ourselves a long term goal of Zero Waste. In 2000 the Council was awarded Beacon Status by the government for its waste and recycling services. Currently 40% of our rubbish goes this way."

The Lib Dem Group in the Council will continue to support waste reduction and recycling schemes in line with the Waste Hierarchy.If you want to visit the website and take part in the consultation click here.
Or you can download the consultation document and questionnaire here.